So-Bad Review

2009 VRSCDX : V-ROD Street Drag Style / TRANCE #2

time 2014.02.02 view 485 Views
Posted by in Harley Custom

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V-ROD: Otherwise known as the REVOLUTION… I’ll never forget the year 2002, when the first model of Harley Davidson to ever apply a DOHC water-cooled engine made its spectacular debut. Contrasting to the classical image of Harleys, the innovative style of the new model was nothing short of revolutionary, bearing the future of Harley customs on its polished frame.


V-RODデビュー以来、BAD LANDでは、斬新なアプローチや様々な手法を用い、一貫してV-RODのカスタムに力を注ぎ取り組んで来た。方法論が全く確立されていないV-RODのカスタム。。。それはまさしく未開の海へ漕ぎ出す船の如く、私達に取って試練の連続であったと云っても決して過言では無い。

Subsequent to the debut of V-ROD, BAD LAND has worked hard to incorporate new and unique systems and techniques into the V-ROD customs. V-ROD customs have no limits… Like a ship embarking towards the horizon, we have faced a countless number of obstacles and difficulties in our course.

何故、我々があえて困難な道を選んだのか?? それはChopperと云う言葉には、常にその時代における最先端なカスタム、そして先駆者たれと云う意味が含まれていると信じるから。。。

Why have we chosen such a challenging path?? That’s because we believe ‘CHOPPER’ to be a word representing the cutting-edge quality of customs; an encouragement towards creators to continue paving a path towards the unseen future…

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